Patrick inducted into the Inaugural Legacy Society of the Partnership Against Domestic Violence (PADV)
As PADV celebrates its silver anniversary with the 25th annual Hearts with Hope Gala on May 3, 2013, the organization will recognize several women in the Atlanta Community who have made a significant impact in shaping PADV into what it is today. “We wanted to honor some amazing individuals who have given their time, energy, and resources to PADV,” said Meagan Fulmer, President and Chief Executive Officer of PADV. Lizz Patrick was among 11 women inducted into the first class of the Legacy Society. Lizz served has been a longtime volunteer of PADV, and served on its Board of Directors until 2011.
PADV is the largest and one of the oldest nonprofit domestic violence agencies in Georgia. Serving Metro Atlanta since 1975, PADV helps transform the lives of approximately 18,000 woemn and children every year through emergency intervention, violence prevention and long-term advocacy. PADV’s mission is to end the crime of intimate partner violence and empower its survivors. For more information, visit